Silent Servants...

Silent Servants...

... of the Used, Abused, and Utterly Screwed Up.

A Secular Franciscan looks at the world...
with a more jaundiced eye than ever...
and lots of ellipses for you to fill in the missing text...
(with thanks to Thomas S. Klise for the title)

Monday, July 07, 2008

A Rip-Off Report Website

Report: Narconon

This time it's the Scientology front group, Narconon. These people have been misleading people and politicians and preying on individuals for decades. In the U.S. all you have to do is call yourself a religion and you can get away with anything.

For more information on Scientology, visit: 
The Secrets of Scientology 

1 comment:

Legion said...

Scientology is organized crime, and their "NarCONon" quack frauds are probably the worse. I maintain the web site which covers the Scientology fraud "NarCONon" and the email that I get from victims of Scientoloft fake "drug treatment" scam are horrific.

Scientology criminals all need to be rounded up and put in prison. Not only does Scientology rook and swindle some $20,000 out of each of their victims, these insane criminals divert drug and alcohol addict away from REAL treatment. Scientology's "NarCONon" fraud has a success rate of around 6% -- a far cry from the fraudulent claims that the crime syndicate tells the rubes, marks, and suckers that fall for the Scientology scam.