Silent Servants...

Silent Servants...

... of the Used, Abused, and Utterly Screwed Up.

A Secular Franciscan looks at the world...
with a more jaundiced eye than ever...
and lots of ellipses for you to fill in the missing text...
(with thanks to Thomas S. Klise for the title)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Scientists are usually more careful... this just shows how simple it would be for things to get moved around to where they shouldn't be. And how they already have been.

Warning over deep-ocean stowaways

Of course, the real risk is once commerce gets into it and people start doing 'recreational' dives in vessels like this (don't laugh - civilians have paid go go into space already). Once free enterprise gets into it anything that costs more money will be dropped, so don't expect things to get checked as well. Their only concern will be the pocketbook...

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