Silent Servants...

Silent Servants...

... of the Used, Abused, and Utterly Screwed Up.

A Secular Franciscan looks at the world...
with a more jaundiced eye than ever...
and lots of ellipses for you to fill in the missing text...
(with thanks to Thomas S. Klise for the title)

Friday, July 18, 2008

What an absolutely stupid thing

for a city to do...

Major U.S. city officially condemns Catholic Church: Instructs members to defy 'Holy Office of Inquisition'

What a good way to alienate a substantial part of your population. If anything mixes religion and state this does. Is the next step for the city council to be to make Catholicism illegal? I wonder if the ACLU will get involved?

It really does make me think that San Francisco thinks they're a country of their own...

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