Silent Servants...

Silent Servants...

... of the Used, Abused, and Utterly Screwed Up.

A Secular Franciscan looks at the world...
with a more jaundiced eye than ever...
and lots of ellipses for you to fill in the missing text...
(with thanks to Thomas S. Klise for the title)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Some people

are beginning to find Oprah's faith... unusual...

Oprah’s unorthodox gospel comes under scrutiny

Why should people care about what celebrities think? I mean the general population. The audience. The hoi polloi. Celebrities come in the same flavours as the rest of the population, likely in similar percentages. Actors that are successful are so because they are successful liars. They make you believe something that isn't true. They are not special. They might be successful, but that doesn't make them smart or anything else. I really think that the mass of humanity are content being sheep...

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