Silent Servants...

Silent Servants...

... of the Used, Abused, and Utterly Screwed Up.

A Secular Franciscan looks at the world...
with a more jaundiced eye than ever...
and lots of ellipses for you to fill in the missing text...
(with thanks to Thomas S. Klise for the title)

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Scientology's CCHR

Drivers angered at signs

They lie about their involvement with Scientology, the misuse statistics to bolster their cause, they use Scientology's 'in-your-face' tactics to intimidate people and likely use the agents of Scientology's 'dirty tricks' division, the Office of Special Affairs, the former 'GO' office, whose agents have gone to jail for criminal acts committed for Scientology in the past.

All because psychiatry refuses to accept Scientology as the solution to all human problems. Well, L. Ron Hubbard himself begged for psychiatric help. He never got it. Look what happened. Poor, poor man. (He could have even been a successful author without starting the world's largest vanity press.)

For more information on Scientology, visit: 
The Secrets of Scientology 

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